Sunday, October 7, 2018

Can't Help...

Scenario 1:
While waiting at a pedestrian crossing, 1 middle age Indian man with his friend approached me and asked me something in (I presume) Tamil, but I can only give an "I dun understand" expression and say sorry to him. They seem to be lost but they also move off quickly after asking me.  Yes, I felt bad not being able to helo them as they seem very lost.

Scenario 2:
While walking towards Bedok Point (not my destination). a middle-aged Indian lady with 2 teenage children approached me to ask where is Bedok Point (shopping centre), which I directed by pointing the building to her ad telling her that is Bedok Point. She then asked where is the shuttle bus to Mandai zoo, and that stumped me as I have no idea there is one, hence I told her that I don't know where this bus is. After walking off a few steps, I tried google and could to find any information on this.  I then cut through Bedok Point and suddenly saw the signage of shuttle bus to Mandai zoo at the building's alighting/pickup point. I tried to go back to see if the lady and her children were still around but they weren't. I even tried to search the area but it seemed they had disappeared.  Yes, I felt bad not being able to help a mother with 2 children whom are likely foreigners (not locals).

But I also know I have tried my best.

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