Sunday, December 21, 2008

Delayed Post #1 - GCE 'N' Level Results are Out

The GCE 'N' Level results are out on Thursday. Not bad for my students for my subject. Both NA and NT got 100% passes. NA got 83% (or 85% ?) distinction. Of coz I believe the other teacher's group got more of these distinction kids, .... but it doesn't bother me... It is the kids who will be getting their grades, not me.... Like I told my other HOD (I got 3 HODs to account for) who congratulated me for the good results, these are their own results, their own consequence for putting in that amount of level, whichever amount they put in... (plus a bit of luck as well...) and their success is through their own efffort....

My c0-form NT class has 1 grp whom I taught D&T to. They did pretty well too... 50+ % got A or B.... "huh? 50% considered good???", you may ask... Think national average is about 20+% nia.... Ok, all these figures are from my pathetic memory only ( I've never been able to remember such data numbers, and I don't care about them in the 1st place either...) ... actual numbers... left it on my office table... maybe get it next Mon then I'll post them....

You should see & hear them clap & cheer when their respective stream's D&T results were annouced by the P....

Congratulations, people!!!!!!!!

Edit: Numbers here, national grades are in brackets [ ]...
NT : Distinctions (A) - 53.8% [29.8%], Passes - 100% [93.6%]
NA : Distinctions (1 & 2) - 89.5% [29.9%], Passes - 100% [93.9%]
* For my NA grp: 3 got Grade 1, 6 got Grade 2, 1 got Grade 3.

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