Monday, May 21, 2012

Everyone Falls Sick .... Finally... Sigh....

Today is my turn... 2 days of MC given... but tomorrow still have to go to school early to bring the students to competition... sigh... Wed also... Nevermind, shall endure...

Just wondering if more people (local) are going to work despite being sick... If so, is it a good sign/trend then? I wonder...

Sigh...  Even my dad who just recovered from sore throat not long ago is now resorting to taking mine/y mum's flu tablet (same type) too... Drowsy now... Might nap later...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just watched... (Marvel's) The Avengers!

Go and watch!!!! Must see!!! I can only watch the digital version, as my eyes can't take 3D, but still, it is good enough!! Ignoring some weird parts in the plot, the whole show is well worth the $9.50... And do wait for the main credits to finish to watch the extra clip of... Shall not disclose the details, go watch!!!!