Wednesday, October 31, 2018

香香 Xiang Xiang ( Taiwan Food ) @ Bedok Point

Went to 香香 Xiang Xiang ( Taiwan Food ) @ Bedok Point for a late lunch as I have the craving for the mee sua 麵線, before heading to the Cars@Expo... Actually their braised pork rice 滷肉飯 is also very good too, with lots of oil-onion 油蔥 fragrance...

Ordered the passion fruit drink with pearls at an add-on price of $2.00 ... Beeper for food to be ready...

I ordered the Crispy(?) Chicken Strip Mee Sua ($6.80), and also the Fried Chicken Strip with Salt and Pepper ($5.00)...

Mee Sua is not soggy, still retains a slight bounce, but very slight... the thick soup base is good, has good balance of savoury and sweet (lots of help from the carrots and other vegetables, I think), with a tinge of sourness from the vinegar and also a bit of the oil-onion 油蔥 fragrance... can also see strips of mushrooms, carrots, red bell pepper and etc... I think the receipt has a typo-error as the chicken strips are not supposed to be "crispy". Instead, they are super tender 嫩 and juicy, with the chicken juice sweetness strongly present when you chew them... Very solid... Suspect they use chicken thigh and not chicken breast meat...

Another solid fried chicken with salt and pepper 鹽酥雞... If I remember correctly, they told us they use chicken thigh for this dish, hence the chicken meat is super tender 嫩 ... But I felt the taste is a bit weird that day, perhaps the pepper is a bit un-fresh... Still overall a very solid side dish... Will go back again, this time for the braised pork rice 滷肉飯 ...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kusu Island "Pilgrimage" Trip 2018

Yesterday went to Kusu Island after a break of many years... alone this time... to pray to the deities as well as to take a break from all the stuff that happened... let the pictures do the talking...

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Can't Help...

Scenario 1:
While waiting at a pedestrian crossing, 1 middle age Indian man with his friend approached me and asked me something in (I presume) Tamil, but I can only give an "I dun understand" expression and say sorry to him. They seem to be lost but they also move off quickly after asking me.  Yes, I felt bad not being able to helo them as they seem very lost.

Scenario 2:
While walking towards Bedok Point (not my destination). a middle-aged Indian lady with 2 teenage children approached me to ask where is Bedok Point (shopping centre), which I directed by pointing the building to her ad telling her that is Bedok Point. She then asked where is the shuttle bus to Mandai zoo, and that stumped me as I have no idea there is one, hence I told her that I don't know where this bus is. After walking off a few steps, I tried google and could to find any information on this.  I then cut through Bedok Point and suddenly saw the signage of shuttle bus to Mandai zoo at the building's alighting/pickup point. I tried to go back to see if the lady and her children were still around but they weren't. I even tried to search the area but it seemed they had disappeared.  Yes, I felt bad not being able to help a mother with 2 children whom are likely foreigners (not locals).

But I also know I have tried my best.

Saturday, October 6, 2018



Brisk Walk v.s. Jog

Woke up earlier today and decided to go for a good walk... actually decided a few days ago, hahaha... for a few reasons, e.g. re-season my running shoes for the upcoming Genting trip, prepare my body for the possibly 狂吃 sessions in upcoming Genting trip, continue my past few months' weight loss in a healthier way, take a pic of the morning sun to send to D (not read yet QQ... ) , etc etc...

Brisk walk from home to stadium and then some rounds ( abt 6~8 ) in stadium track, then normal walk back home... Did not want to jog today as I have not been doing any exercising for very very long, not so suitable, though, I did try jogging a little bit to let the body try to remember the feel... I felt brisk walking seem to be a very good way to start the exercising activity as the muscle ache and breathing heavy part can also be experienced with a quicker pace and more rounds, and it does not have the thumping impact felt in knees (and strangely by head) which is felt in jogging... I probably will do a few more times of brisk walking before ultimately returning back to jogging though, hahaha... Body feels quite good now... but... not the mind... anyway, that's a different matter...  Good start, will definitely want to continue...

Friday, October 5, 2018


觀自在菩薩      行深般若波羅蜜多時
照見五蘊皆空      度一切苦厄
色不異空      空不異色
色即是空      空即是色
受想行識      亦復如是
不生不滅      不垢不淨      不增不減
無眼界      乃至無意識界
無無明      亦無無明盡
乃至無老死      亦無老死盡
無苦集滅道      無智亦無得
菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
心無罣礙      無罣礙      故無有恐怖
遠離顛倒夢想      究竟涅槃
是大神咒      是大明咒
是無上咒      是無等等咒
能除一切苦      真實不虛
故說般若波羅蜜多咒      即說咒曰
揭諦揭諦      波羅揭諦
波羅僧揭諦      菩提薩婆訶