Thursday, February 8, 2018

KiKi Noddles - Sichuan Pepper Flavour

Bought this at SPH Buzz Convenience Store at SLS... There are only a few packets of the Sichuan Pepper flavours and only 1 packet of the Aromatic Scallion flavour left when I reach there... Liking spiy taste, I grab the Sichuan Pepper flavour.. Cost $13.70, which is cheaper than buying from ezBuy (which is selling at $18)...

The noodles are similar to the Tseng's Noodles for the Hu Sesame paste flavour - thin but chewy when cooked... very nice texture... The taste is similar to Tseng's Scallion with Sichuan Pepper, but lesser of the Sichuan pepper taste. Instead, it has the fried-dried chilli powder which adds in a different fragrance... Both are good in their way... Although I still prefer the wave-noodles, this is also very very good!!!