Friday, August 9, 2019

Maruchan Seimen Noukou Toro Tonkotsu Instant Ramen マルちゃん 正麺 濃厚とろ豚骨

Purchased in Iroha Mart, should be around SGD4++... The noodles have a very nice and chewy texture, which many instant bowl or up noodles lack in... The broth is quite ok, savoury and quite thick... bite on some sesame seeds, and the spring onions gave the bowl of noodles good appearance... The kelp (???) pieces provided some good chewing texture... Overall a very nice bow of instant ramen...

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Myojo Wonton Noodle Chicken Salt Flavour 明星 評判屋 わんたん麺 鶏だし塩味

Bought it at Iroha Mart, can't remember how much it cost.. the portion is a little small... but the noodles are chewy!!!! Very nice. The small wontons are very cute, though can barely taste the "meat filling"... soup is savoury with a bit of sweetness, and topped with lots of spring onions and egg bits... Nice...