Sunday, May 5, 2019

Bootleg ( ??? ) DoraCat - Doraemon x Saint Seiya 哆啦A梦 x 圣斗士星矢 : Gold Cloth Taurus 黄金圣衣 金牛座

My birthday present I bought for myself... yeah... Only after buying I realized it is a probably a bootleg... but doesn't matter, as I am a KOllector to begin with... Problem is the QC issue is terrible... parts... many parts, are assembled wrongly and it is super tough to disassemble the figure... and superglue marks can be seen when the parts are pulled/dropped out... some parts are quite loose, while the head joint is ridiculously tight due to the neck's pan-head shaped design... I had to file down the straight-edge side of the head to round in order to pull out the heads to swap easily... Anyway, after all the fixing, it looks super nice !!!!!!! Have since bought 2 others for my Rising and Venus signs...