Sunday, July 5, 2009

Toy Carnival@SAM

Went to the Toy Carnival @SAM, venue is at the Singapore Arts Museum (hence SAM)... Spent around 20 mins looking for a carpark lot... all full house... finally find one at the Queen whatever hotel last floor... Initially thought is this SAM, turn out to be wrong (must thank the security guard for telling me this)...

So cross the road and come to this SAM...

And the first thing I see are these Mask Riders cos-players!! (sorry for the blur figure...) cool costumes...

First floor of the carnival... think I must have come too late, no more free candy floss, hahaha...

Clone soldiers!!!! Where is Darth Vadar???... The Force tells me that I will see him later...

Cool Star Wars displays at the end of the room... including some other accessories the cos-players used, like masks, guns, etc...

A very 斯文 soldier...

Went up to 2nd floor and saw this outside the entrance... Went in and forget to take pics... hahaha... bought myself a cheap WST Hot Rod, which is quite quite rare... and extremely CHEAP!!! Oh, ad got myself a free comic too, but don't know what it is, haven't read yet...

After jalaning, went back to my car... and true enough as told by The Force, I finally see Darth Vadar!!!! ... and a lady Jedi Master, which caught most of my attention, hahaha...

Went over to CSC to jalan, and have a big bowl of Prawn Noodles, at the 大路虾面 (mini)restaurant, for lunch... not bad, have not had such reasonably good Prawn Noodles outside for long time liao....

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