Sunday, April 29, 2018

Taiwan Noodles Haul and Testing Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Spicy Sauce 真麵堂 香辣風味乾麵

Noodles haul again from Taiwan through local agent... Actually have bought many many rounds, but did not post...

Tried this Jhen Mian Tang noodles today for brunch... The noodles shape and flavour is similar type to the Tseng Noodles that I often eat, but the price is much less, around SGD8++ promotion price. The noodles seem to be a bit softer than Tseng's or Old-Mom's, and they seem to soak up the sauce slightly slightly better than Tseng's (or maybe is the sauce can penetrate into the noodles better?).. The pepper-chilli fragrance is less prominent than Tseng's and the sauce taste a teeny bit more sweeter and gentler than Tseng's. This is a good alternative for those who prefer such tastes, and to me, this Jhen Mian tang is almost as good as Tseng's (Jhen Mian Tang's noodles are not sun-baked though..), and of course it is slightly cheaper than Tseng Noodles.

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